How The Program Works

NRL Colorado is a manufacturing workforce development program of the Rocky Mountain National Tooling & Machining Association (RMTMA) to help machine shops fill their workforce pipeline by partnering with local schools.

Students design and build 15-lb remote controlled robots to face-off in a gladiator-style competition.

Through the manufacturing process of bot building, students’ imaginations are captured as they design, build and compete with their own robotic creations. Students gain practical knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) – all essential skills for manufacturing. By formalizing ties between schools and industry advisors, students gain a better understanding and become enthusiastic about the career possibilities in manufacturing.

Educators / Schools

The success of the NRL depends on willing Teachers and Industry Advisors/Mentors from local manufacturing companies. Only with your help are participating schools able to expose students to years of expertise and a real-world manufacturing environment.

If you decide to participate, you will:

  • Have students complete a survey about manufacturing.
  • Plan at least one visit to a partnered machine shop.
  • Complete the Safety Inspection Sheet at least one week prior to the Competition and get Industry Advisor’s sign-off.
  • Meet with a local industry advisor.

Benefits of Competing

The benefits of competing are the same as any extra-curricular or in-school activity: social development, improving self-esteem, helping bolster a college application, giving kids a sense of belonging, etc.

But, the NRL Colorado program does even more: it inspires young people to pursue manufacturing and STEM related careers and helps them gain the technical and critical thinking skills needed for these careers.

Industry Advisors / Machine Shops

The success of the NRL depends on willing Industry Advisors/mentors like you from local manufacturing companies. Only with your help are participating schools able to expose students to years of expertise and a real-world manufacturing environment.

Benefits of an Industry Advisor

  • Build your own pipeline of skilled manufacturing workers and improve the recruitment of new workers.
  • Identify, use and reward untapped resources within your current workforce—enhance their skills and reinvigorate existing employees.
  • Influence curriculum enhancements at schools to increase instructional effectiveness.
  • Create community goodwill and positive PR.
  • Ultimately reduce hiring and training costs.

To contact us Click Here