Become a Supporter
The Future And Your Role

Make The Investment

The time is now to make the investment in NRL Colorado to ensure the future of American manufacturing. Support the RMTMA’s efforts to build a new manufacturing workforce that is technically skilled, enthusiastic and eager to become the next generation of industry leaders.

Support the NRL Colorado Program

Your support will help secure the future of manufacturing in Colorado and help build a skilled, enthusiastic, and an adaptable employee pipeline. With your support, we can bridge the gap between in-school training and real-world experience for manufacturing companies.

Can we count on you to help us?  We hope you’ll support us by making a donation today. Together, we can build and strengthen relationships between local schools and machine shops to shrink the skills gap and actively fill a pipeline of future manufacturers.

  • $25 provides a team with fasteners.
  • $50 provides a team with a motor.
  • $100 provides a team with a controller.
  • $250 provides a team with pulleys, battery, wheels plus the above.
  • $500 provides a team with a basic frame, plus the above. Also, can help students get transportation to and from their industry advisor’s machine shop for mentoring and machining.

Benefits of Supporting
NRL Colorado

  • Promotion as an NRL Colorado partner in solving manufacturing’s most critical issue – attracting and recruiting a future workforce.
  • On-site signage, print and digital exposure and pre and post-event exposure.
  • The ability to volunteer at events and network with the manufacturers, students, educators and guests.
  • Ability to interact with students by exhibiting at our competition.